半根烟 发表于 2010-8-16 10:37:12




CheatCode 作幣碼 Result結果
Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds

Motherlode Adds §50.000,- to household funds

Moveobjects on/off Move unmovable objects

constrainFloorElevation Use 'false' to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT
enablellamas Ok this is a joke. it's in the cheatlist, but it does nothing. They just added it for fun.
fadeObjects Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect sims.
testingCheatsEnabled Use 'true' to enable debugmode. Can move needs, shift click mailbox to change careers, lock needs, etc.
fps Displays framerate in upper right corner

fullscreen Self explanatory. You can also change this setting in options by the way.
hideHeadlineEffects Shows or hides talk/thought balloons

jokePlease Shows a random joke in the cheat console

quit Exits game

resetSim Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home
slowMotionViz Puts visuals in slow motion (does not affect in-game time).
unlockOutfits Use before going to CAS. It shows career and service uniforms in CAS.
(在創造人物前使用, 這令創造人物中顯示職業和服務制服)

familyfunds # Add or extract money for a chosen family.
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 《模拟人生3》作弊码

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