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发表于 2011-7-8 02:54:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





  这个短短的新闻,引来了一百多个网民的评论,大多数的人,还是以平常心恭喜中国的成就,当然,免不了有几个冷言冷语的, 一看就是那种嫉妒中国的。还有一些人就在抱怨雅虎图片不好。



  Lol. The new SF Bay Bridge east span is a mile long and 10 years later it's still under construction. Oh my. At the end they had to turn to China to build the modules and ship them over to Oakland so we can just assemble it.


  2)美国过去是,“土地上的创造者,现在是土地上的哭泣者”America used to be a land of do'ers, now it's a land of whiners.


  3)上一次是什么时候,我们能建如此尺寸的巨大工程,而且还能在四年内完成???When was the last time we built something this size... in four years????


  4)好的--为什么中国能造26英里长的桥,只花了15亿美金,而美国只造一英里长的公路桥得花十亿美金??OK - how does China build a 26 mile bridge for $1.5B and it takes America about $1B to build 1 mile of Freeway. WTF?


  5)太棒了, 26英里长才花十五亿美金,同时旧金山湾大桥就两英里得花七十二亿。Great, 26 miles long and it cost $1.5 billion. Meanwhile here in San Francisco the 2 mile east Bay Bridge span is up to $7.2 billion.

  6)对。我们有地震的考虑以及劳工更贵,但是,老天,我们造价是每英里三十六亿美金,而中国只有五千七百万美金每英里。Yeah, we have seismic considerations here and labor is more expensive, but please. The cost should not be $3.6 billion per mile versus China's $57 million per...


  7)同时,我们国家的六十万个桥中有十五万两千需要大修。但是我们的领袖浪费了几十兆元去打那些永远打不赢的战争。几乎摧毁了我们的财政系统,甚至都有可能把我们国家的信用给降级,而且让我们的城市变成了污水潭。Meanwhile 152,000 of the nation's 600,000 bridges are in desperate need of repair. Our leaders have squandered trillions on unwinnable wars, nearly destroyed our financial system, set the stage for a potential devastating downgrade of our credit rating, allowed our cities to become cesspools of...


  8)中国造桥的速度跟我们烧桥的速度一样快,美国的名誉就在抽水马桶中,当中国一直在升起。这还不管我们浪费了无穷无尽的宣传费去对抗中国,我想世界最后会由我们的行动中来判断我们,不是我们说了什么。China is building bridges as fast as we are burning ours. America's reputation is in the toilet, while China's is on the rise. This in spite of our unending propaganda campaign against them. I guess the world judges actions, not words.


  9)噢,这座桥式中国人用美国国债还的利息造成的,(编者评论:这是一个荒谬的评论,代表无知)...oh, and the bridge was funded by US interest payments on Chinese owned US treasury bonds


  10)中国人,在2500年前就建造了运河及灌溉系统,而今天那些系统都还正常使用,他们治理了黄河然后用来灌溉,他们很早就用河流做运输,而且创造了海上的大型船只,他们只是在做他们祖先留下的工作,这不是什么新的成就。Chinese built canals and irrigation facilities 2500 years ago and it still works. They tamed the yellow river and used it for irrigation. They pioneered river transport and created ocean going vessels centuries ago. They are continuing where their ancestors left off. Nothing new in their achieving...


  11)我们美国人一直在忙碌着摧毁别人的国家,他们不能去建设这个国家。too bad the u.s. is busy blowing up other nations. they could be fixing and building up the nation instead.


  12)这个星期,中国而且开始了“高速铁路”由上海去北京。只要五个小时。This week, China also started a bullet train between Shanghai and Bejing. Travel time 5 hours.

  13)他们那里来的钱去造这些??政府付钱去创造许多工作,那么美国政府的钱呢??救助有钱人!!支持两场战争!!然后付钱让我们的国会议员享受得最好的医疗保险。Where did they get the money to build that? The government pay for it and it created a lot of jobs. Where did the US $$$ go? To bail out the rich!!! To the two wars!!! To pay for congressmen and congresswomen the best medical benefits the money can buy.

  14)喔!!然后谴责新的移民给这个国家制造问题,其实,就是你们这些笨蛋自己引起的问题。Wow, why people are blaming immigrants for this countries problems, while it's YOU idiots causing these problems.


  15)该死的,中国人有什么不能做的。damn, wat cant the chinese do


  16)如果,旧金山大桥上贴着“中国制造”,我是一点都不惊奇。Doesn't surprise me why a bridge in San Francisco comes with a Made-in-China label


  17)做的好,中国,保持你的优良成绩Well done, China, well done. Keep up the good work.


  18)嘿傻瓜,但是,美国已经尽可能的跟中国一起造假,跟中国做生意,跟中国借钱,美国已经是中国钱的奴隶(编者评论:这话就有点酸溜溜)hey Ino, but USA already does everthing you think fake with China, trading with china, borrowing money from China. US already a slave of chinese money.


  19)给共产党加一分,我们新的最好朋友,也是老的最坏敌人。+1 for the communists, our new best friends, and old worst enemies.


  20)美国称自己是民主已及支持民主国家的,但是,同时又支持伊斯兰独裁国家像沙特,如果女人有婚外情,他们就用石头砸死她,不准女人开车,不准女人投票,结论是美国不是。。。。。The US calls itself a democratic and democracy supprting country while at the same its supporting Islamic dictatorship countries like Saudi Arabia who stone women for affairs, ban women from driving, have a monarchy and don't allow women to vote. . .Lol this funny.THE conclusion is the US is not... More


  21)作为一个25年经验的土木工程师,美国将会失去我们的技艺及技术,因为多数的工程顾问公司根本无法生存,许多工程师,建筑工人都失业了,大学刚毕业的,没有工作机会,我们又如何去掌握如此大的项目。As a civil engineer myself with 25 years in business. U.S. will lost the skill and technology. Because most of the engineering consulting firms are having hard time to survice. alot engineers, construction workers got layoff, new grad. can't get a job. How can we handle the big project like this in... More
发表于 2011-7-8 05:57:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-7-8 08:15:58 | 显示全部楼层
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